Life Skills 1: Standards & Learning Objectives

Life skills education standards are based on the theoretical frame work of Golman’s work on emotional intelligence. The first two units aim at developing children’s self awareness and self management. Units three and four focus on developing children’s social awareness and relationship management. The last two units aim at developing safety and health education.

Life Skills Education standards are divided into six categories.. These standards are to be introduced, developed and practiced. To achieve this, standards within each category are divided into smaller learning objectives.

Developing general self awareness & self expression:

  • Identify what they like, dislike & hobbies
  • Identify their areas of strength and those that need further development
  • Identify their values and what is special to them
  • Identify their big goal in life
  • Talk about themselves in both descriptive and positive approach
  • Reflect on how they feel about themselves

Developing emotional awareness & emotional management:

  • Identifying what makes them feel happy ,sad ,left out or angry
  • Learning to talk about these emotions
  • Learning to accept these different emotions
  • Learning to manage these emotions
  • Reflecting on their emotional awareness
  • Reflecting on their ability of expressing and managing these emotions

Developing social awareness within family context:

  • Identifying how they feel in their family
  • Identifying good and bad behavior in family
  • Learning how to show respect in family
  • Practice showing respect to family members
  • Learning how to show appreciation in family
  • Reflect on how they feel in family

Developing social awareness within friends’ context:

  • Identifying their social skills in terms of their ability to making friends
  • Identifying acceptable behavior among friends
  • Identifying how to respect friends and show appreciation
  • Identifying how to solve problem between friends
  • Practicing solving problems between friends
  • Reflecting on their social ability of making and respecting friends

Developing safety awareness:

  • Identifying safe and unsafe objects
  • Identifying un safe and dangerous situations
  • Learning how to act in dangerous situation
  • Learning how to keep safe on the road
  • Learning how to keep safe in the car
  • Reflecting on their safety awareness skills

Developing healthy eating habits:

  • Identifying healthy and un healthy food
  • Identifying the importance of health eating habits
  • Analysing the kind of food they usually have
  • Learning how to choose what to eat
  • Learning how to place unhealthy food with healthy food
  • Reflecting on their eating habits

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